ZKTeco LX50 Attendance and Departure Device

by ZKTeco
Best Price from 1 online shop
EGP 2099
from Amazon EG
EGP 2120 including 21 EGP shipping.

ZKTeco LX50 Attendance and Departure Device Price in Egypt

ZKTeco LX50 Attendance and Departure Device B09B8TM554 | Price updated 20 hours ago
Amazon EG
Delivery in 3-7 days More info
EGP 2099
+ 21 Shipping

Description for ZKTeco LX50 Attendance and Departure Device

  • The lx50 attendance and departure device Security Product is manufactured by ZKTeco and was added around January 2023.

Video Reviews for ZKTeco LX50 Attendance and Departure Device

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