BOYA BY-GM18CB cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with XLR outout jack GM18CB

Best Price from 2 online shops
EGP 2500
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BOYA BY-GM18CB cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with XLR outout jack GM18CB ... Price in Egypt

BOYA BY-GM18CB Cardioid Gooseneck Microphone B09B56ZPWX | Price updated 5 days ago
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Delivery in 3-7 days More info
EGP 2500
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BOYA BY-GM18CB ZD5FA48829BF9DE3DD38CZ | Price updated 13 hours ago
Use coupon "OM30" for 10% off from noon. 5% off for returning users.
Use coupon "WIN30" for 10% off from noon
Use coupon "PRICENA" for 10% off from noon. 5% off for returning users.
Use coupon "OM98" for 10% off from noon. 5% off for returning users.
Use coupon "OM97" for 10% off from noon. 5% off for returning users.
Delivery time depends on the product More info
EGP 2500
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Description for BOYA BY-GM18CB cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with XLR outout jack GM18CB ...

  • The by-gm18cb cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with xlr outout jack gm18cb Microphone is manufactured by BOYA and was added around November 2024.

Price Insights for BOYA BY-GM18CB cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with XLR outout jack GM18CB ...

Cheapest price for BOYA BY-GM18CB cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone with XLR outout jack GM18CB in Egypt is EGP 2500 sold at noon.
No major price change compared to two weeks ago.
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