The تلفزيون سمارت سامسونج, 50 بوصة, 4k ,uhd , مزود برسيفر داخلى, ua50du7000uxeg - أسود TV is manufactured by Samsung and was added around July 2024.
This version of the TV comes in Color : Black , Screen Size : 50 Inch , Display Technology : LED , Special Features : Without 3D , Special Features : Smart TV , Display Resolution : Ultra HD (4K).
The product is sold at 2 online shops in Egypt in Cairo, Alexandria.
The best price for the تلفزيون سمارت سامسونج, 50 بوصة, in Egypt is EGP 16699 sold at Raneen and available with free shipping and delivery within .
Available payment methods are
Product is also sold at Amazon EG for a price up to EGP 16990.