Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis:: Bacterial and Phytoplasmal Pathogens, Vol.2

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سعر Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis:: Bacterial and Phytoplasmal ... في مصر

Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis:: Bacterial and Phytoplasmal Pathogens, Vol.2 | اخر تحديث للسعر قبل 4 يوم
امازون مصر
توصيل خلال 3-7 أيام معلومات أكثر
3950 جنيه
+ 21 توصيل

وصف Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis:: Bacterial and Phytoplasmal ...

  • المنتج microbial plant pathogens-detection and disease diagnosis:: bacterial and phytoplasmal pathogens, vol.2 تم اضافته في يوليو 2023